Thursday, December 31, 2009

Super Custom Blogger TemplateThis template is very elegant, sleek and modern. It has no images to ensure a super fast load, it has a technicolour approach with red, black and grey giving it a very artistic feel to it.

The overall design and placement of buttons advertisements spots and the look of the post date make this one of the most unique templates every designed for blogger. The top of this template is black, below that is red with a navigational menu, under that is your post area on the left, the first sidebar houses two ad spots, under that is a box for your widgets or text, above the ads are three very well made icons for your home about and contact.

On the extreme right is a thinner sidebar where you can put whatever you feel like, that's not where it ends. If you take a look at the footer below you have three nice fat columns to use. This template can really hold a lot of stuff in it and I'm glad its an original and not a converted templates, thanks to Amanda, you rock!
Super Custom Blogger Template Footer

Download the Super Custom Blogger Template
Black and White Blogger Template
The Black and White Template is a simple wire frame kind of three column template. It has Black and white structure and the link colour is the normal hyper link blue that people are recommended to use for adsense to improve their CTR.

So basically the template blends the ads very wel with the hyperlink content, apart from that the template has a very neat feel to it with its precise black borders to seperate the different containers. The sidebar has a two and a single column section which makes it useful for various widgets and elements.

There is a cross column section in the footer that allows the addition of multiple widgets if you can create a table. Apart from that the footer is very simple, it could have been better if it was a three column footer.

Download the Black and White Blogger Template
The Identity Blogger Template
The Identity blogger template is a three column template that has a different design, comprising of black and white as its main colours. What makes this template different is the white from the main column that hovers over the black sidebar giving it a separate box to place your widgets.

The navigational menu is under the header on the left hand side the tabs are attached to the main column and turn white when selected with black text. The search bar is located over the white space hovering over the sidebar. Below the white space the column breaks into two sidebars that you can use for your links lists blogroll or skyscraper advertisements.

The template has some luscious curves at the corners everywhere and looks very beautiful with minimal use of colour, the template makes use of two java script widgets that need to be present before or after installation.

Here are some of the codes you may require:

Horizontal Top Menu

Search Box

Subscribe Widget

In the above widget you need to replace your RSS feedburner link with the one mentioned above. You would also need to configure your blog post as shown in the image below, basically you need to unselect the first check box - date header.Identity Blog Post Configuration

Download the Identity Blogger Template
Leila Blogger Template
This template has a well designed structure, apart from being a three column template. One of the most evident features of this template is the the comment, label and social bookmarking area which comes in a nice black rounded section.

The navigational menu is situated on top of the header image on the left hand side, while a search bar is donned on the top right hand side of the sidebar. The colour scheme of this template is quite beautiful and in the wordpress version the sidebar has two columns as well as a single column section, I am not too sure if the blogger version has the same.

Download the Leila Blogspot Template
Blogging Pro Blogger Template
Now this template is quite a beautiful one especially with the little bit of customizations done. The main navigational menu is on the top left above the header while the right has a search bar with a nice little blurb that extends over the header section. Under the header is a place to have a leader board advertisement which is perfect placement for a neat advert in the blog template, although I am not sure about how well it will get clicks, on the left hand side are three neat buttons for your RSS feed and you can customize this to something else as well.

Your sidebar is broken up into two parts just under the cross column that contains your advertisement and rss, the sidebar also has a section where it becomes a single column, this template is very beautiful is it not and the footer is gorgeous as well.
Blogging Pro Blog Footer
To customize your advertisment code you will need to search for < class="”Syndicate”"> in edit html and then you will find the advertisment code there for the leaderboard ad. The timestamp fromat has to be “Tuesday, January 25,2008" and the feedlinks can be replace by searching for YOUR-FEED-NAME-HERE.

Download the Blogging Pro Blogger Theme
So this three column blogger template with the sidebars on the left hand side of the main column just like your profile on facebook. Apart from completly mimicing your facebook profile there is no so called unique feature.

The header holds your blog name on the left hand side, there are no navigational menu buttons which I personally like to have for my blog. The left hand side sidebars makes it easier for visitors to use, although I would have prefered the first sidebar to be larger.

The second sidebar is wider than 160px, so perhaps you should fit a 200px square as the 160px ad you can see in the screenshot leaves a lot of room around it. The 160x600 advertisment may fit better in the first sidebar and will be noticed more in the first sidebar. I suggest using text link units mixed with your content links.

The icons, page element headers and layout has a prominent element of facebook. So if your really love facebook you can go ahead and get this blogger template free of cost once again!

Download the Facebooked Blogger Template
Every template on this blog has something unique, the same is for the new Langit skin which is a three column template. The template has a header with the navigational menu at the bottom left of it.

Under the header there are two division the one on the left has the recent articles displaye in two columns while the one on the right is the about me which flows to become the sidebar.

The sidebar has a search bar and then breaks up into two parts, the primary colors of this template are black, blue and white. The main post section has a black strip which divides each post and holds the post a comment link in electric blue.

To change the "Wordpress Theme" logo you can replace the link shown below.

#logo h1 a {
width: 356px;
height: 85px;
display: block;
background: url( no-repeat

Download the Langit Blogger Skin
Rainbow Garden Blogger Template
Apart from the gorgeous colors and flower designs this template is a very simple three column template. It has a semi rounded design, with one side of both the columns rounded at the top.

There are no navigational menus or special features, just two sidebars on either side that can contain your widgets. The labels and the comments section with a neat little icon are located just under the headline.

I do not recommend having too many posts on the homepage with this template as the sidebar and the main column merge into the background of the template after a point of time. The template is none the less exquisite if you like it go ahead and download it.

Download the Rainbow Garden Blogger Template
This white and red three column template comes loaded with adsense positions between the header and the posts for a higher ctr. Apart from that the template is very simple, it dons both its sidebars on the right hand side.

You will also find a text link ad unit, a feedjit unit which you can end up disposing, especially the text link ads that drop down your google page rank. The colours of the font headers and titles is appealing and matches with the blog colours.

There are no navigational menus which may make it interesting as people may click on the google ad thinking its the navigation section. Although I hope you do not count on that, especially since navigational menus are a must in a blog that showcases a lot of content. This template is a relatively simple and has a personal blog feel to it.

Download the is_Simple Blogger Skin
Indomagz Premium Blogger Template
The Indomagz template is a three column blogger template with White and Grey being the primary colours. The template has a few good features that can be utilized by professional bloggers.

Above the header on the left you will find a search bar and the RSS feed icons, while the blog title lies on the left. Under the header are the navigational links on a strip of blue, this strip is also present on the footer.

The sidebar is divided into two sections, the section on top has three spots for advertisments. The lower sidebar is broken up into two sections to hold your links and page elements. If you like this template the link to download it is provided below.

Download the Indomagz Premium Blogger Template
Andreas04 Blogger Template
Download the Andreas04 Blogger Template

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These all are free to download XML templates which will work with the new blogger {blogger beta}.Most of them are 3 columned ones.They have a back link back to this page.You can remove it if your want.If you want to motivate me, the donation option below is all yours.

How to install your template
Step 1.Click on Template title and download the template (For eg. "Minima White")

Step 2.sign in to the and then Goto Edit html section of your layout tab

Step 3. Upload it from the place where you saved it.

Important: Widgets
By installing any one of these templates, there are chances that all your widgets are lost(means all your customization is lost and only default template would be their).
It is
recommended to backup your widgets. [Guide to backup widgets ]
A warning similar to the one given below will be displayed while installing them, Click Yes.

Update(s) 1/11/2008

Known issues :-
After going through your comments,I'm posting about issues which are common

Son Of Moto Template
The bug's fixed and template updated, it should be green now.

Rounder's Template
The template experiences a sidebar drop in IE.Under Scanner

Header Image
It's been observed that the template isn't permitting images.the temporary solution is that you delete the 'Header' page element.Then re-add it using 'Add a Gadget' link in the layout section.

XML Errors
Instead of copy-pasting the code,try downloading it and then uploading.For downloading Right click on the template link you wish to download and select "Save Target As" in IE or "Save Link As" in Firefox.Then upload it from Edit HTML section of the Layout Tab.

how 2 install blogger templates in my blog , how to import template from my pc, what are the steps involved to install blogger templates

These all are free to download XML templates which will work with the new blogger {blogger beta}.Most of them are 3 columned ones.They have a back link back to this page.You can remove it if your want.If you want to motivate me, the donation option below is all yours.

How to install your template
Step 1.Click on Template title and download the template (For eg. "Minima White")

Step 2.sign in to the and then Goto Edit template section of your layout tab

Step 3. Upload it from the place where you saved it.

Important: Widgets
By installing any one of these templates, there are chances that all your widgets are lost(means all your customization is lost and only default template would be their).
It is
recommended to backup your widgets. [Guide to backup widgets ]
A warning similar to the one given below will be displayed while installing them, Click Yes.

Update(s) 1/11/2008

Known issues :-
After going through your comments,I'm posting about issues which are common

Son Of Moto Template
The bug's fixed and template updated, it should be green now.

Rounder's Template
The template experiences a sidebar drop in IE.Under Scanner

Header Image
It's been observed that the template isn't permitting images.the temporary solution is that you delete the 'Header' page element.Then re-add it using 'Add a Gadget' link in the layout section.

XML Errors
Instead of copy-pasting the code,try downloading it and then uploading.For downloading Right click on the template link you wish to download and select "Save Target As" in IE or "Save Link As" in Firefox.Then upload it from Edit HTML section of the Layout Tab.

click the below link u will get the direct download

link : Rounders(01)

 3 column blogger templates

click the below link u will get the direct download

link : Thisaway

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click the below link u will get the direct download

link : Tic Tac Blue

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link : 897

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click the below link u will get the direct download

link : Denim

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click the below link u will get the direct download

link : Denim Washed

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click the below link u will get the direct download

link : 3 column black blogger templates Minima Black

 3 column blogger templates

click the below link u will get the direct download

link : Minima Blue

 3 column blogger templates

click the below link u will get the direct download

link : Minima White

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click the below link u will get the direct download

link : Scribe

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click the below link u will get the direct download

link : Harbor

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click the below link u will get the direct download

link: Sand Dollar

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click the below link u will get the direct download

link : Herbert

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Download Template

Download Template

Download Template

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3 Column New Blogger Template
3 column blogger template optimized for adsense or other online earning programs.

Download template .XML

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

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